Mathematics Department Information


Kerboodle is an online digital textbook provider which all our students can access. In Years 7, 8, and 9 students will use the MyMaths textbooks and in Years 10 and 11 the AQA Higher GCSE textbook. All students will be given a login, password, and the institution code. If they have forgotten their password then, provided they entered an email address the first time they logged into Kerboodle (as they were asked to do), they can reset their own password by clicking the trouble logging in option. If they have forgotten their account details then they will need to see their teacher as soon as possible; any homework set using the books will have a reasonable deadline which allows for the occasional technological hiccup to be fixed so there are no excuses for missing homework. Below is a link to Kerboodle and a file which explains in detail how to use the online platform.

How to login to Kerboodle

KS3 Kerboodle User Guide

KS4 Kerboodle User Guide